burden of proof

burden of proof
- бремя доказывания, процессуальный термин, означающий, какая из сторон должна доказывать те или иные обстоятельства. В ходе оспаривания (action to set aside) или приведения в исполнение решений международных арбитражей (enforcement of awards) бремя доказывания совершения составом арбитража нарушений процессуального характера возлагается на сторону, против которой вынесено арбитражное решение, суд не может использовать такие аргументы ex officio. О бремени доказывания в делах, связанных с признанием и приведением в исполнение арбитражных решений в России, см. Карабельников Б.Р. Российские суды и международный арбитраж: развитие событий в 2006 Г.//МКА. 2007. №1. С. 25; Он же. Исполнение решений международных коммерческих арбитражей. Комментарий к Нью-Йоркской конвенции 1958 г. и главам 30 и 31 АПК РФ 2002 г. М.:ИД ФБК-ПРЕСС, 2003. С. 153 и далее.

Glossary of international commercial arbitration. 2013.

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  • burden of proof — bur·den of proof: the responsibility of producing sufficient evidence in support of a fact or issue and favorably persuading the trier of fact (as a judge or jury) regarding that fact or issue the burden of proof is sometimes upon the defendant… …   Law dictionary

  • Burden of proof — may refer to: Legal burden of proof Philosophic burden of proof Scientific burden of evidence Other The Burden of Proof, a 1990 novel by Scott Turow The Burden of Proof (film), a 1992 film based on the above novel Burden of Proof (CSI episode) …   Wikipedia

  • burden of proof — ˌburden of ˈproof noun [singular] LAW the task of proving that a statement made in a court of law is true, especially one accusing somebody of doing something illegal or wrong: • It will not be up to the defendant to prove his innocence; the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Burden of proof — Burden Bur den (b[^u] d n), n. [Written also burthen.] [OE. burden, burthen, birthen, birden, AS. byr[eth]en; akin to Icel. byr[eth]i, Dan. byrde, Sw. b[ o]rda, G. b[ u]rde, OHG. burdi, Goth. ba[ u]r[thorn]ei, fr. the root of E. bear, AS. beran,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • burden of proof — ► burden of proof the obligation to prove an assertion. Main Entry: ↑burden …   English terms dictionary

  • burden of proof — n. the obligation to prove what is asserted and in dispute …   English World dictionary

  • burden of proof — noun the duty of proving a disputed charge • Hypernyms: ↑duty, ↑responsibility, ↑obligation * * * Etymology: translation of Latin onus probandi : the duty of proving a disputed presumption, assertion, or charge …   Useful english dictionary

  • burden of proof — If in some situation there is a proper presumption that something is true, anyone seeking to prove its opposite is said to bear the burden of proof. A certain amount of philosophical jockeying consists in trying to shift the burden of proof …   Philosophy dictionary

  • burden of proof —    The burden of proof is the necessity imposed by the law to prove that what one says is true.     The burden of proof lies with the claimant …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Burden of proof (rhetoric) — Burden of proof means the reasons that have to be met before a proposition of fact, value, or policy can be evaluated.Difference between “a burden of proof” vs “the burden of proof”“A burden of proof” comes in when one makes an argument. “A… …   Wikipedia

  • Burden of proof (disambiguation) — Burden of proof is, in common law, the obligation to prove allegations which are presented in a legal action.Burden of proof may also refer to: * The Burden of Proof , a 1990 novel by Scott Turow * The Burden of Proof (film) , a 1992 film based… …   Wikipedia

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