ICC Court of International Arbitration

ICC Court of International Arbitration
- Международный арбитражный суд Международной торговой палаты, институциональный арбитражный орган, руководящий рассмотрением споров по Арбитражному регламенту МТП (ICC Rules). Состоит приблизительно из 100 членов, имеет Президента и других руководителей, а также Секретариат. См. comité restraint.

Glossary of international commercial arbitration. 2013.

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  • International arbitration — is the established method for resolving disputes between parties to international commercial agreements. As with arbitration generally, it is a creature of contract, i.e., the parties decision to submit any disputes to private adjudication by one …   Wikipedia

  • ICC — International Chamber of Commerce Международная торговая палата, международная организация, при которой, в частности, функционирует один из наиболее авторитетных институциональных арбитражных органов (см. ICC Court of International Arbitration),… …   Glossary of international commercial arbitration

  • administered arbitration — институциональный арбитраж (institutional arbitration) с участием административного органа, который при необходимости решает вопросы, связанные с местом проведения арбитража, количеством арбитров, их назначением и отводом, финансовыми аспектами… …   Glossary of international commercial arbitration

  • International Chamber of Commerce — The International Chamber of Commerce is a non profit, private international organization that works to promote and support global trade and globalization. It serves as an advocate of some world businesses in the global economy, in the interests… …   Wikipedia

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  • International commercial law — is the body of law that governs international sale transactions. [Mo, John S.; International Commercial Law (2003) 1.] A transaction will qualify to be international if elements of more than one country are involved. [Pryles, Jeff Waincymer, and… …   Wikipedia

  • International court — International courts are formed by treaties between nations, or under the authority of an international organization such as the United Nations this includes ad hoc tribunals and permanent institutions, but excludes any courts arising purely… …   Wikipedia

  • ICC — abbr 1 International Chamber of Commerce 2 Interstate Commerce Commission see also the important agencies section Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • court — / kōrt/ n [Old French, enclosed space, royal entourage, court of justice, from Latin cohort cohors farmyard, armed force, retinue] 1 a: an official assembly for the administration of justice: a unit of the judicial branch of government the… …   Law dictionary

  • Arbitration — Not to be confused with Arbitrage. For Wikipedia s arbitration policy, see Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy …   Wikipedia

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