administered arbitration

administered arbitration
- институциональный арбитраж (institutional arbitration) с участием административного органа, который при необходимости решает вопросы, связанные с местом проведения арбитража, количеством арбитров, их назначением и отводом, финансовыми аспектами разбирательства, например, МКАС при ТПП РФ (ICAC at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation). В арбитраже МТП (см. ICC Rules) административный орган Международный арбитражный суд МТП (ICC Court of International Arbitration) осуществляет опосредованный контроль за качеством выносимого составом арбитража арбитражного решения (award), см. scrutiny of the award.

Glossary of international commercial arbitration. 2013.

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  • administered arbitration — arbitration supervised by an arbitral institution, which assists in the appointment of the arbitrators, provides a set of procedural rules and some degree of administration. + administered arbitration USA A form of arbitration conducted with the… …   Law dictionary

  • arbitration costs — frais d arbitrage (франц.) = Schiedskosten (нем.) расходы, связанные с проведением арбитража. Обычно включают в себя оплату услуг арбитров (fee), компенсацию понесенных ими в связи с арбитражным разбирательством расходов, оплату сбора… …   Glossary of international commercial arbitration

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  • Arbitration — Not to be confused with Arbitrage. For Wikipedia s arbitration policy, see Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy …   Wikipedia

  • National Arbitration Forum — The National Arbitration Forum (NAF), founded in 1986, provides arbitration and mediation services to businesses, based at its Minneapolis, Minnesota headquarters and offices in New Jersey. The company is one of the United States s largest and… …   Wikipedia

  • London Court of International Arbitration — The London Court of International Arbitration (which now goes by the name of its acronym LCIA) is a London based institution providing the service of international arbitration.The London portion of the name is deceptive, as the administrative… …   Wikipedia

  • American Arbitration Association — (AAA) USA The largest full service alternative dispute resolution provider in the US. The AAA s administrative services include: • Arranging hearings. • Providing users with information on dispute resolution options, including settlement through… …   Law dictionary

  • ad hoc arbitration — Arbitration (arbitration) where the procedure is determined independently by the parties and the arbitrators, without the involvement of an arbitral institution. Questions such as costs and procedure are decided by the parties, and failing… …   Law dictionary

  • arbitral institution — institution arbitrate (франц.) = Schiedsinstitution (нем.) институциональный арбитражный орган. В институциональном арбитраже (institutional arbitration) такой орган приводит в движение арбитражный процесс, не вмешиваясь в анализ существа спора,… …   Glossary of international commercial arbitration

  • Judicial system of the People's Republic of China — For the Ministry of Justice, see Ministry of Justice of the People s Republic of China. People s Republic of China This article is part of the series: Politics and government of …   Wikipedia

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