
  • 111The Daily Buzz — logo (2010 present) Format News program Starring Mitch English (2002 present) Kia Malone (2005 present) Andy Campbell (2007 present) Andrea Jackson (2002 2009, 2011 pr …


  • 112The NFL Today — is also the name of the radio show that corresponds with the television show. The NFL Today Logo used since 2006 Format National Football League Created by CBS Sport …


  • 113The Ongoing History of New Music — is a Canadian radio program, produced by CFNY in Toronto. The program, hosted by Alan Cross, is also syndicated to several other radio stations across Canada. The Ongoing History chronicles the history of alternative rock, from its roots in punk… …


  • 114Day of the Dupes — is the name given to the day in November of 1630 on which the enemies of Cardinal Richelieu mistakenly believed that they had succeeded in persuading Louis XIII, King of France, to dismiss Richelieu from power. The actual day is thought to have… …


  • 115The Twelfth — Orangemen parade in Bangor on 12 July 2010 Also called Orangemen s Day, Orangefest Observed by …


  • 116The Downward Spiral — Studio album by Nine Inch Nails Released …


  • 117The Dispossessed —   …


  • 118The Stranger (novel) — The Stranger   1st US version …


  • 119The Oprah Winfrey Show — Genre Talk show Created by Oprah Winfrey Presented by Oprah Winfrey Country of origin United States Language(s) …


  • 120The Godfather Part II — Original film poster Directed by Francis Ford Coppola Produced by …
