lex mercatoria

lex mercatoria
- право, основанное не на изданных государствами законодательных актах, а на торговых обычаях. См. Принципы международных коммерческих договоров УНИДРУА 2004/Пер. с англ. А.С.Комарова. М.:Статут, 2006. См. также публикации МТП (например - Унифицированные правила и обычаи для документарных аккредитивов, Типовой дистрибьюторский контракт и др.)

Glossary of international commercial arbitration. 2013.

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  • Lex mercatoria — (from the Latin for merchant law ) is the body of commercial law used by merchants throughout Europe during the medieval period. It evolved similar to English common law as a system of custom and best practice, which was enforced through a system …   Wikipedia

  • Lex Mercatoria — La lex mercatoria est historiquement un ensemble de règle de droit servant à encadrer les relations contractuelles entre commerçants. Contrairement au droit positif pur, c est à dire un droit imposé par l état ou par les conventions… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lex mercatoria — La lex mercatoria est historiquement un ensemble de règle de droit servant à encadrer les relations contractuelles entre commerçants. Contrairement au droit positif pur, c est à dire un droit imposé par l État ou par les conventions… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • lex mercatoria — /leks markatoriya/ The law merchant; commercial law. That system of laws which is adopted by all commercial nations, and constitutes a part of the law of the land. It is part of the common law …   Black's law dictionary

  • lex mercatoria — /leks markatoriya/ The law merchant; commercial law. That system of laws which is adopted by all commercial nations, and constitutes a part of the law of the land. It is part of the common law …   Black's law dictionary

  • lex mercatoria — The law merchant. 11 Am J2d B & N § 36. See law merchant …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • lex mercatoria — …   Useful english dictionary

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